The Central Park Statue Series

On average 35 million people visit Central Park each year.  Many pass by the statues, plaques and benches and wonder who those people were. They read the plaques, but there is more to their stories than just what their plaques report.

I wrote this creative non-fiction series, The Central Park Statues Speak, so that readers could learn the compelling life stories of these honorees.

Like Alexa or Siri or a historical re-enactor, the statues recall their contributions to society lest we forget. In volume one, four high school students converse with and confront AI- and IT-enabled Central Park statues about their past.

In this 3-volume series, a total of 31 statues, five benches, three plaques, two tree markers, two fountains, one stone mosaic, and one obelisk are interviewed by the teenage researchers. Enjoy reading or listening to their stories.

For more information about these books click HERE

Vol 1 - Balto, Fitz-Green Halleck, Robbie Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Will shakespeare, The Suffragiettes, Chrisopher Columbus,107th Infantry, Richard Morris Hunt, Samulel F.B. Morse, Waldo Hutchins, The Pilgrim Fathers, Hans Christian Andersen, Alice, The Oblelisk, Alexander Hamilton


Vol II - USS Maine, Giusepppe Mazzini, 7t Regiment, Daniel Webster, Imagine - John Lennon, Arthur Brisbane, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Andrew Haswell Green, Duke ellilnstion, Fredrick Douglas, Jose de San Martin, Jose Marti, Simon Bolivar, Thomas Moore, William Tecumseh Sherman

Vol III- Ludwin Van Beethoven, Victor Herbert, Friedrich von Schiller, S. Rankin Drew, 307th infantry, W.T. Snead, John Purroy Mitchel, Friedel, Fred Lebow, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Charles B. Stover, Dr. Daniel Draper, King Jagiello, Aledander von Humboldt